Thursday, March 5, 2020

New Years Language Challenge Video Pledges (Part IV)

New Years Language Challenge Video Pledges (Part IV) See Who’s Taking this Year’s Challenge Page 4! If you are taking this year’s challenge we’re  giving away 50 free ITC if you make a video challenge pledge.Life Hacks research  has shown that if you put yourself up to something by doing it in public, you follow through because others are watching.  So use peer pressure to your advantage!  So help out your fellow language learners participating in the challenge!  Leave them words of encouragement on their notebook entries!  And don’t forget to sign up for yourself, and get 2015 of to a great start! This is  the second blog listing of New Years  Language Challenge Video Pledges.  Watch the videos from the previous posts below. Weve had so many that its better to just make multiple posts so they dont get too long! This is our 4th page of Public Video Posts! We love that so many of you are willing to make that extra commitment (and earn a bonus 50ITC)! Part I Here Part II Here Part III Here seven.seagulls  from Ireland is learning  Chinese seven.seagulls (whose real name is Alex) is learning Chinese. Shes actually taking part in another Challenge called the #Add1Challenge and is taking part in the New Years Challenge as well! All that matters is that she reach her goal in improving her Chinese. We like Alex makes some very practical and very achievable goals. For example, one of her goals is to be able to order food in Chinese at the Chinese restaurant. You can cheer her on here. Nildo  from Brazil is learning  English Nildo really wants to improve his English skills. His goal is to be able to have a conversation with his American friends and tutors on italki. He also wants to focus on his confidence. Please send him some words of encouragement in his notebook entry here. Paulo Ribeiro  from Brazil is learning  English Paulo Riberio is also from Brazil and also is taking the challenge to improve his English. Hes been studying English for his entire life and he really wants to get rid of his accent or at least improve his fluency. He also really wants to get rid of his stuttering. Lets wish him the best by commenting on his notebook entry here. Pawel  from Poland is learning  Dutch Pawel really wants to improve his Dutch as he is now living in Beglium and wants to be able to use it to speak with his co-workers. Hes completing a research internship there and has always had a strong love for language learning. Wish him the best by commenting on his notebook entry here. Click here to watch his video on Youtube daisu saikoro  from the United States is learning  Chinese daisu saikoro has been to China very recently and is determined to learn Chinese in 2015. Hes also looking for some help. If you can send him an italki gift card, hed really appreciate it as he feels the Challenge is going to be a bit difficult as hes also taking care of his great grandmother who is very sick. Please wish daisu saikoro the best by commenting on his notebook entry here. Helga  from Russia is learning  Spanish, Italian, Japanese and English Helga is one of our Professional Teachers who teaches Russian. Shes taking the Challenge to develop some good study habits. Shes studying 4 languages for the Challenge! Wow. Her English, Spanish and Italian are pretty decent but cant really speak yet in Japanese. Check out her video below and send her your well wishes by commenting on her notebook entry here. ???  from the United States is learning  Korean ??? is from Georgia and lives near a large thriving Korea town there. He speaks very decent Korean already but his goal it to take his language ability to the next level and have a meanful conversation in Korean where he doesnt need to stop and think or ask the Korean speaker for clarification. Send him some words of encouragement by commenting on his notebook entry here. AliciaTGlenn  from the United States is learning  German Alicia is also taking the Add1Challenge and is using the italki New Years Challenge to help her achieve her goal of speaking German. Shes always wanted to learn German but for one reason or another always came up with excuses not to learn it. Shes finally made the decision to finally learn it! Wish her well by commenting on her notebook entry 513301. Odette ???  from the United States is learning Korean. Odette wants to improve on her speaking abilities in the next month!  She hopes to be able to speak more fluently, using longer and more complex sentences than she currently does.  Korean is not an easy language and we wish her the best of luck in achieving her goals!  You can wish her luck as well! JaneyPdiz from Bangkok, Thailand is learning Spanish. Janey is hoping to improve her Spanish during the New Years Language Challange.  She wants to increase her fluency.  She is a veteran on the italki website and even became a tutor in December, so were sure she will do great.  We wish Janey the best and you can too on her notebook entry. Julio from the United States is learning Spanish. Julio is a brand new student to italki!  He is hoping that the challenge will help drive him and keep him motivated in learning Spanish.  Hes hoping that he will be able to go to Puerto Rico with his father, meet his family members that he has never seen before, speaking with them in Spanish. We hope that the language challenge gets him on his way to reaching his goals!  Wish him luck!   Yada from the United States is learning Chinese, Hindi, and Japanese. Yada has set some ambitious goals for herself: to improve her Chinese, Hindi, and Japanese.  This is certainly no easy task but we have faith in her to complete her goals. The italki office is Shanghai gives her a big ??!Wish her the best yourself on her notebook entry. Søren from the United States is learning Catalan and German. Søren is no rookie to italki challenges; he has competed in all of them!  He made his video a little late, but has already succeeded in taking one lesson in each language.  We hope he continues to improve as time goes on!  Wish him luck on his notebook entry. Strolb57  from the United States  is learning French. Strolb57 is going to France before too long and he wants to be able to  speak to native speakers there.  He thinks that the italki challenge is a great way to do that.  His goal is to be able to have a conversation with a French person without stumbling too much and with decent pronunciation!  We wish him the best and you can as well by commenting on his notebook entry.  Baggio from Hong Kong is learning Korean. A veteran and community tutor on our site, Baggio has pledged to take the italki New Years Challenge to learn Korean.  He is currently a beginner, but is hoping to reach an intermediate level  by summer.   We wish him the best of luck in completing the challenge and you can too by leaving a comment on his notebook entry! New Years Language Challenge Video Pledges (Part IV) See Who’s Taking this Year’s Challenge Page 4! If you are taking this year’s challenge we’re  giving away 50 free ITC if you make a video challenge pledge.Life Hacks research  has shown that if you put yourself up to something by doing it in public, you follow through because others are watching.  So use peer pressure to your advantage!  So help out your fellow language learners participating in the challenge!  Leave them words of encouragement on their notebook entries!  And don’t forget to sign up for yourself, and get 2015 of to a great start! This is  the second blog listing of New Years  Language Challenge Video Pledges.  Watch the videos from the previous posts below. Weve had so many that its better to just make multiple posts so they dont get too long! This is our 4th page of Public Video Posts! We love that so many of you are willing to make that extra commitment (and earn a bonus 50ITC)! Part I Here Part II Here Part III Here seven.seagulls  from Ireland is learning  Chinese seven.seagulls (whose real name is Alex) is learning Chinese. Shes actually taking part in another Challenge called the #Add1Challenge and is taking part in the New Years Challenge as well! All that matters is that she reach her goal in improving her Chinese. We like Alex makes some very practical and very achievable goals. For example, one of her goals is to be able to order food in Chinese at the Chinese restaurant. You can cheer her on here. Nildo  from Brazil is learning  English Nildo really wants to improve his English skills. His goal is to be able to have a conversation with his American friends and tutors on italki. He also wants to focus on his confidence. Please send him some words of encouragement in his notebook entry here. Paulo Ribeiro  from Brazil is learning  English Paulo Riberio is also from Brazil and also is taking the challenge to improve his English. Hes been studying English for his entire life and he really wants to get rid of his accent or at least improve his fluency. He also really wants to get rid of his stuttering. Lets wish him the best by commenting on his notebook entry here. Pawel  from Poland is learning  Dutch Pawel really wants to improve his Dutch as he is now living in Beglium and wants to be able to use it to speak with his co-workers. Hes completing a research internship there and has always had a strong love for language learning. Wish him the best by commenting on his notebook entry here. Click here to watch his video on Youtube daisu saikoro  from the United States is learning  Chinese daisu saikoro has been to China very recently and is determined to learn Chinese in 2015. Hes also looking for some help. If you can send him an italki gift card, hed really appreciate it as he feels the Challenge is going to be a bit difficult as hes also taking care of his great grandmother who is very sick. Please wish daisu saikoro the best by commenting on his notebook entry here. Helga  from Russia is learning  Spanish, Italian, Japanese and English Helga is one of our Professional Teachers who teaches Russian. Shes taking the Challenge to develop some good study habits. Shes studying 4 languages for the Challenge! Wow. Her English, Spanish and Italian are pretty decent but cant really speak yet in Japanese. Check out her video below and send her your well wishes by commenting on her notebook entry here. ???  from the United States is learning  Korean ??? is from Georgia and lives near a large thriving Korea town there. He speaks very decent Korean already but his goal it to take his language ability to the next level and have a meanful conversation in Korean where he doesnt need to stop and think or ask the Korean speaker for clarification. Send him some words of encouragement by commenting on his notebook entry here. AliciaTGlenn  from the United States is learning  German Alicia is also taking the Add1Challenge and is using the italki New Years Challenge to help her achieve her goal of speaking German. Shes always wanted to learn German but for one reason or another always came up with excuses not to learn it. Shes finally made the decision to finally learn it! Wish her well by commenting on her notebook entry 513301. Odette ???  from the United States is learning Korean. Odette wants to improve on her speaking abilities in the next month!  She hopes to be able to speak more fluently, using longer and more complex sentences than she currently does.  Korean is not an easy language and we wish her the best of luck in achieving her goals!  You can wish her luck as well! JaneyPdiz from Bangkok, Thailand is learning Spanish. Janey is hoping to improve her Spanish during the New Years Language Challange.  She wants to increase her fluency.  She is a veteran on the italki website and even became a tutor in December, so were sure she will do great.  We wish Janey the best and you can too on her notebook entry. Julio from the United States is learning Spanish. Julio is a brand new student to italki!  He is hoping that the challenge will help drive him and keep him motivated in learning Spanish.  Hes hoping that he will be able to go to Puerto Rico with his father, meet his family members that he has never seen before, speaking with them in Spanish. We hope that the language challenge gets him on his way to reaching his goals!  Wish him luck!   Yada from the United States is learning Chinese, Hindi, and Japanese. Yada has set some ambitious goals for herself: to improve her Chinese, Hindi, and Japanese.  This is certainly no easy task but we have faith in her to complete her goals. The italki office is Shanghai gives her a big ??!Wish her the best yourself on her notebook entry. Søren from the United States is learning Catalan and German. Søren is no rookie to italki challenges; he has competed in all of them!  He made his video a little late, but has already succeeded in taking one lesson in each language.  We hope he continues to improve as time goes on!  Wish him luck on his notebook entry. Strolb57  from the United States  is learning French. Strolb57 is going to France before too long and he wants to be able to  speak to native speakers there.  He thinks that the italki challenge is a great way to do that.  His goal is to be able to have a conversation with a French person without stumbling too much and with decent pronunciation!  We wish him the best and you can as well by commenting on his notebook entry.  Baggio from Hong Kong is learning Korean. A veteran and community tutor on our site, Baggio has pledged to take the italki New Years Challenge to learn Korean.  He is currently a beginner, but is hoping to reach an intermediate level  by summer.   We wish him the best of luck in completing the challenge and you can too by leaving a comment on his notebook entry! New Years Language Challenge Video Pledges (Part IV) See Who’s Taking this Year’s Challenge Page 4! If you are taking this year’s challenge we’re  giving away 50 free ITC if you make a video challenge pledge.Life Hacks research  has shown that if you put yourself up to something by doing it in public, you follow through because others are watching.  So use peer pressure to your advantage!  So help out your fellow language learners participating in the challenge!  Leave them words of encouragement on their notebook entries!  And don’t forget to sign up for yourself, and get 2015 of to a great start! This is  the second blog listing of New Years  Language Challenge Video Pledges.  Watch the videos from the previous posts below. Weve had so many that its better to just make multiple posts so they dont get too long! This is our 4th page of Public Video Posts! We love that so many of you are willing to make that extra commitment (and earn a bonus 50ITC)! Part I Here Part II Here Part III Here seven.seagulls  from Ireland is learning  Chinese seven.seagulls (whose real name is Alex) is learning Chinese. Shes actually taking part in another Challenge called the #Add1Challenge and is taking part in the New Years Challenge as well! All that matters is that she reach her goal in improving her Chinese. We like Alex makes some very practical and very achievable goals. For example, one of her goals is to be able to order food in Chinese at the Chinese restaurant. You can cheer her on here. Nildo  from Brazil is learning  English Nildo really wants to improve his English skills. His goal is to be able to have a conversation with his American friends and tutors on italki. He also wants to focus on his confidence. Please send him some words of encouragement in his notebook entry here. Paulo Ribeiro  from Brazil is learning  English Paulo Riberio is also from Brazil and also is taking the challenge to improve his English. Hes been studying English for his entire life and he really wants to get rid of his accent or at least improve his fluency. He also really wants to get rid of his stuttering. Lets wish him the best by commenting on his notebook entry here. Pawel  from Poland is learning  Dutch Pawel really wants to improve his Dutch as he is now living in Beglium and wants to be able to use it to speak with his co-workers. Hes completing a research internship there and has always had a strong love for language learning. Wish him the best by commenting on his notebook entry here. Click here to watch his video on Youtube daisu saikoro  from the United States is learning  Chinese daisu saikoro has been to China very recently and is determined to learn Chinese in 2015. Hes also looking for some help. If you can send him an italki gift card, hed really appreciate it as he feels the Challenge is going to be a bit difficult as hes also taking care of his great grandmother who is very sick. Please wish daisu saikoro the best by commenting on his notebook entry here. Helga  from Russia is learning  Spanish, Italian, Japanese and English Helga is one of our Professional Teachers who teaches Russian. Shes taking the Challenge to develop some good study habits. Shes studying 4 languages for the Challenge! Wow. Her English, Spanish and Italian are pretty decent but cant really speak yet in Japanese. Check out her video below and send her your well wishes by commenting on her notebook entry here. ???  from the United States is learning  Korean ??? is from Georgia and lives near a large thriving Korea town there. He speaks very decent Korean already but his goal it to take his language ability to the next level and have a meanful conversation in Korean where he doesnt need to stop and think or ask the Korean speaker for clarification. Send him some words of encouragement by commenting on his notebook entry here. AliciaTGlenn  from the United States is learning  German Alicia is also taking the Add1Challenge and is using the italki New Years Challenge to help her achieve her goal of speaking German. Shes always wanted to learn German but for one reason or another always came up with excuses not to learn it. Shes finally made the decision to finally learn it! Wish her well by commenting on her notebook entry 513301. Odette ???  from the United States is learning Korean. Odette wants to improve on her speaking abilities in the next month!  She hopes to be able to speak more fluently, using longer and more complex sentences than she currently does.  Korean is not an easy language and we wish her the best of luck in achieving her goals!  You can wish her luck as well! JaneyPdiz from Bangkok, Thailand is learning Spanish. Janey is hoping to improve her Spanish during the New Years Language Challange.  She wants to increase her fluency.  She is a veteran on the italki website and even became a tutor in December, so were sure she will do great.  We wish Janey the best and you can too on her notebook entry. Julio from the United States is learning Spanish. Julio is a brand new student to italki!  He is hoping that the challenge will help drive him and keep him motivated in learning Spanish.  Hes hoping that he will be able to go to Puerto Rico with his father, meet his family members that he has never seen before, speaking with them in Spanish. We hope that the language challenge gets him on his way to reaching his goals!  Wish him luck!   Yada from the United States is learning Chinese, Hindi, and Japanese. Yada has set some ambitious goals for herself: to improve her Chinese, Hindi, and Japanese.  This is certainly no easy task but we have faith in her to complete her goals. The italki office is Shanghai gives her a big ??!Wish her the best yourself on her notebook entry. Søren from the United States is learning Catalan and German. Søren is no rookie to italki challenges; he has competed in all of them!  He made his video a little late, but has already succeeded in taking one lesson in each language.  We hope he continues to improve as time goes on!  Wish him luck on his notebook entry. Strolb57  from the United States  is learning French. Strolb57 is going to France before too long and he wants to be able to  speak to native speakers there.  He thinks that the italki challenge is a great way to do that.  His goal is to be able to have a conversation with a French person without stumbling too much and with decent pronunciation!  We wish him the best and you can as well by commenting on his notebook entry.  Baggio from Hong Kong is learning Korean. A veteran and community tutor on our site, Baggio has pledged to take the italki New Years Challenge to learn Korean.  He is currently a beginner, but is hoping to reach an intermediate level  by summer.   We wish him the best of luck in completing the challenge and you can too by leaving a comment on his notebook entry!

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